Wednesday 14 September 2011

THE TOOSDAY Study Questions...

1. Use each of these terms in a sentence that will help explain its meaning: SUBSISTENCE FARMING, TRIANGULAR TRADE, CASH CROP.

"My family owns such little land in this quaint pasture in Massachusetts. We really wish we could make money off the land, but we are limited to subsistence farming which keeps us fed. If only we had the space to grow a cash crop and get involved with the triangular trade, then we'd be very wealthy and I could pay for my son and daughters' college tuition." 

2. Identify the various economic activities carried on in the Middle Colonies.

Farming, while hugely important in all colonies, was far more successful in the Middle Colonies than in New England. The Middle Colonies were also great ports to transport/export their cash crops such as wheat over to England, Africa, or the West Indies.

3. How did New England's natural resources help its commerce?

Their water resources helped power their mills for producing grain and lumber. There was also a lot of space to set up small business for experienced craftspeople. Shipbuilding was nice with the nearby forests providing an abundance of wood. Fish were very plentiful as well giving New England a big fishing economy.

4. How did farming in New England compare with farming in the Southern Colonies? Usa a chart like the one below to answer the question.
NEW ENGLAND: Smaller farms, many colonists relied on their children to do labour, farmed for sustaining families
SOUTHERN: Bigger farms, more slaves, farmed for profit/trade

5. How do you think plantation owners in Southern Colonies justified their use of enslaved Africans?

The slaves had been part of their culture and contributed to the success of the economy by producing the crops for them in mass quantities. Without them, there wouldn't be such a big, strong Southern export trade.

6. Study the map on page 103. What goods were traded from the British Colonies to Great Britain? From West Indies to the British Colonies?

~Colonies to Britain~ --> Rice, Tobacco, Indigo, and Furs.

~West Indies to Colonies~ --> Goods and Molasses

1 comment:

  1. You are AWESOME! You answered my book questions exactly! You are 100% prefered for any future references! <3 THANKS ALOT! -Kirsten 8th grade
