Sunday 18 September 2011

Stuff we did when Fielding was missing...

8. Why did the colonial population grow rapidly?
Because they had a big industry in farming tobacco in 1619. This caused a big jump in the population because people thought the opportunity to get rich was too good to pass up so they all flocked to the new world, bringing families and slaves with them. 

9. What differences existed between the Tidewater planters and the backcountry farmers of the South?
The soil, the yield, the amount of profit that was made by exporting their product. 

10. What was the Great Awakening?
An increase in religious activities and 'enthusiasm' throughout the colonies. 

11. What immigrant groups settled in Pennsylvania?
The Quakers led by William Penn. Others flocked to the colony once they spread the word of being a place where any religion could be practiced freely.

12. How did the soil in the Middle Colonies differ from that in New England? What did that mean for the two regions?
It was better suited for agriculture and had better climate. This meant New England could only grow enough to get by for themselves, and the Middle Colonies could afford to harvest a little extra to sell/export to gain a little extra profit. 

13. What was the Iroquois Confederacy?
A enormously powerful group of allied native tribes in the New England Colonial region. They protected each other from rival tribes and banded together to share goods, weapons, and knowledge. The members were the Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, Onandaga, and Cayuga, but the Tuscarora joined them later in 1720. 

14. What was England's reason for the Navigation Acts?
To prevent other countries from trading with the American Colonies so England could have total control over colonial development and structure.

15. What was the Enlightenment?
A cultural movement that sought to advance knowledge in the masses. They felt that this could make society better and produce better, smarter people who would observe nature, solve problems, and invent beneficial things that contributed to American life.

16. What North American Land claims were the French forced to give up in the treaty of Paris?
Canada and a large portion of the lands that fell east of the Mississippi River.

17. Why did the Proclamation of 1763 cause friction?
Because the Appalachians being the western boundary, made people who owned land or had invested in land past that landmark lose out. They got even more angry when England refused to answer them when they were asking for their land back. This influenced a big chunk of the tension that boiled over leading to the Revolution.

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