Monday 26 September 2011

Say You Want A Revolution Notes

King Philip's War - summer of 1676 ~ Metacom/King Philip
     Vicious war/Mohegan Indians vs. the English.
More of a genocidal mission than a war. 
Grandson of the same Indian man who contributed to the survival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth is sold into slavery...

Nathaniel Bacon's Rebellion
~ 1676
~ Governor Berkeley
     limits colonist expansion! Hinders growth!
~ Bacon raises troops abd goes to kill Indians. Berkeley declares Bacon an outlaw. Bacon retaliates by burning down Berkeley's house. This causes British troops to come. Bacon dies of dysentery while before he was captured by the opposing forces. 

THEME: Government limiting power to a people. (Lead up to revolution!)

Salem Witch Trials
~ Demonstrates the power of religion in the governments.
~ Important: shows the dangers of the Church/state connection.
~ Started by three girls being strange, fulfilling their own amusement. 20 people died. :(
~ When church is the law, then people will be put to death for religious reasons and judgement will be less logical, causing corruption & accusations.

The Great Awakening
~ Jonathan Edwards sparked a widespread, religious revival in the 1740's.
     Wrote "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."
~ Leads to the founding of many universities: Princeton, Brown, Rotgers, Dartmouth, among others. All very high-ranking schools in the modern day. (EXPENSIVE) O_o
~ Divisions of Church/State
~ Spirit of religious tolerance.

John Peter Zenger and his Printing
~ Put on trial for printing "advertisements" or political cartoons in 1732.
~ Freedom of the press.
~ Zenger was defended by Andrew Hamilton and won the case.

French and Indian War - (Lots of notes on a different post...)
~ The defining battle for world domination between British and French.
~ Things don't go the English way. They had more colonists in America than the French. However, the French had better relations with the Natives, and were more organizing. The English had more greed for land and goods than the French did. 
~ Need to Know: William Pitt --> Pittsburgh! :O
     Recognized for the conquest of North America.
     Capable of borrowing/raising money to win the war. Thinks not of the future, which leads to overproduction to force out the opposer, yet leaves tons of debt later.
Other Generals vital to winning the war:
James Wolfe
Jeffery Amherst <-- first person to practice biological warfare. Intentionally gave blankets to the Indians that were infested with small pox. :(
Small pox kills at least one-third of Washington's soldiers at Valley Forge.

No one likes taxes! 
Colonists believed that the local governments were the only ones to taxes them. The King had no right to tax them to pay for the French and Indian War.

Sugar Act
Met with protests. Not as easily seen as Stamp act.

Townsend Acts
Follows the Stamp Act.

Stamp Act
Everything printed: Reels, Marriage certificates, playing cards, letters. All taxed and the colonists went nuts! Riots, Governor Hutchinson's house destroyed by a mob. Officers that issued stamps were run out of town and burnt. 

Tea Act
Tea act acted as a way for Britain to help the East Indian Company to survive as a business.

Intolerable Acts
~Close down Boston Harbor. 
No imports for the colony. 
~Revoked the Massachusetts Charter. 
The land is now the property of the King and there is no local command/government anymore. Insult to the colonists. Colonists forced to quarter soldiers in their houses without consent. 
~ Administration of Justice Act
People who rebelled would be tried in English since the colonists would be biased to putting their peers on trial. 
~ Quebec Act
Gave lands of the Ohio country to Quebec, which is French territory. HUGE INSULT TO THE AMERICANS! The land was the main reason the colonists wanted to get the French out of the area. Severely limits Westward expansion. 

Boston Tea Party
Throw the tea off the ship! Sons of liberty organized this in accordance to the tea act. 

Sons of Liberty - Group set up by Samuel Adams

James Otis - Comes up with the statement "No taxation without representation!" Has mental problems, not as important to the Revolution as others.

Crispus Attucks - One of the five killed in the Boston Massacre. Only one of the group that was African-American.

Paul Revere - Made the Boston Massacre propaganda poster. Most famous for riding in the middle of the night shouting and screaming about the British arrival.

Shot Heard 'Round the World - Lexington & Concord `-` April 1775
~ 77 militia men from America against the British army of 4000+ troops.
~ Americans start employing the guerilla warfare of the Indians, shooting the British army from cover such as trees and palisades. This drives the English forces back to Boston. America is just being unfair... >:[

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