Friday 9 September 2011

History Class notes (Tried to write what I could of the others...)

Columbus was financed by the king and queen of Spain after being turned down by the kings of Portugal, England, and France. Columbus set sail on August 3, 1492 from Palos, Spain on the Santa maria, Nina and the Pinta. At 2:00 am in October 12, Columbus spotted what he assumed was the indies. In ????, Columbus discovered the Arawak's tobacco farming. The discovery of tobacco was extremely important to the English colonies due to the profit that kept them alive and fueled the search for new land. Columbus left volunteers in the New World whilst he sailed back to Spain. Columbus's arrival also marked the beginning of one of the cruelest episodes in human history. Due to columbus's obsession for gold, he quickly enslaved the local population. After constantinople's fall in 1453, the spice route ended that served the economic lifeline for Mediterranean Europe. Europe's currency changed to gold after while emerging form the middle ages. Led by Prince Henry the Navigator, he and two other great Exploreres (Dias, and Pico de Gama) navigated a sear route to the Indies. The flat earth idea ceased by the time Columbus had sailed. In order to reach the Indies, Columbus estimated he would have to sail 3,000 miles but in reality, he would've had to fly 10,600 miles. The true discoverer of the Americas was Leif Eriksson in 1000 A.D. 500 years before Columbus,

On December 20, 1606, 104 colonists left port aboard three ships, Susan, Constant, Godspeed and Discovery, under captain John Newport. The crew reached Chesapeake Bay in May of 1607 and founded Jamestown. In a few months, 51 of the party were dead, crazed, many of the remaining colonists deserted to the Indians and even resorted to cannibalism.
            In 1619, women are sent over from England, the Virginia Company and Governor Yeardley of Virginia summoned an elected legislative assembly --> the House of Burgesses which met in Jamestown that year. Portugal was most likely the the first colony to enslave African-Americans. By the 1600s everyone was enslaving blacks. The protestant Reformation played a crucial role in the split of the Roman-Catholic church and the colonization of many colonies as it did when Queen Elizabeth ruled. The Mayflower Compact is rightly considered the first written constitution in North America. Under the rules of Massasoit, the Indians became loyal friends to the Pilgrims and it was Massasoit's braves who were invited to the October feast.

JAMESTOWN: Founded by the Virginia Company in 1607. Worked by wealthy men not used to working. So many of them died due to the change in lifestyle.

1619: Women, slaves, and self-government

Plymouth Rock: 1620

Tobacco is very important and was discovered in about 1555, pertinent to survival especially to the Jamestown and like colonies. United States is somewhat founded on tobacco.

In 1492 Columbus sort of discovered America
August 3rd 1492 Columbus sailed out of Spain with three ships (duh)

October 12 the crew threatened to mutiny aboard the Pinta when a lookout named Rodrigo sighted moonlight shimmering on some cliffs

Leif Eriksson reached America and established a colony around 1000 AD
Vinland is present day Newfoundland
Giovanni Caboto (John cabot)
People arrived America 30-40 thousand years ago.
People cam over from Russia over the land bridge to Alaska.
Seeking warmer climate the moved south killing the mamoth along the way.
When columbus arrived there were millions of first Americans
They were divided into hundreds of tribal societies the most advanced being
Had the English not defeated the Spanish Armada they would never have come over to the new world and aided in the discovery of America.
1499 Amerigo Vespucci sailed for South America and landed in the Amazon.
1585 Sir Walter Raleigh tried to establish a colony on a Roanoke Island.
1586 Sir Francis Drake found the colonist hungry and went back to England to fetch supplies.
1590 Raliegh returned to Roanoke and no one was there.
1605 Two groups of merchants formed the joint stock company and petitioned King James 1. for the right to colonize Virginia.
The virginia company of London was given southern Virginia
Plymouth company got northern Virginia
They were looking for gold, silver, and copper.
December 20, 1607, 104 colonists left Engliand under Captain John Newport and reached Chesapeake Bay in May, 1607 and founded Jamestown.
Captian John Smith joined Bartholomew Gasnold in 1605 to venture into Virginia.
John Rolfe married Pocahontas which created peace between the Natives and Jamestwon.
In 1612 Rolf crossed Virginia tobacco with a seed from a milder Jamaican leaf.
House of burgesses founded in 1619.
Mayflower Compact - First written constitution in North America
Squanto saved the settlers from starvation in the following spring after their arrival.
Samoset helped the Pilgrims make peace with Massasoit and the Wampanoag.
1630 John Winthrop established Massachusetts Bay Colony.
1634 200 settlers arrive at Chesapeake Bay and found St. Mary's in Maryland.
1682 William Penn founded Pennsylvania
Founded to be a safe haven for the Quakers.
1607 Virginia (Jamestown)
1620/1630 Massachusetts Bay Colony plymouth was founded in 1620 mass as a whole was founded in 1630.
Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec in 1608.

Founded colonies:
1626 New York
1633 Maryland
1636 Rhode Island
1636 Connecticut
1638 Delware
1638 New Hampshire
1653 North Carolina
1663 South Carolina
1682 Pennsylvania
1664 New Jersey
1732 Georgia

1492 sailed
Spain was fueled by an appetite for gold and fear of Portugals lead in exploration.
Columbus kept a reward which did not belong to him for spotting land.
Land was Samana Cay
Only gold found was in the earrings worn by the Natives
Enslaved Arawaks

Europe Thirsty For
Ponce De Leon first Euro, to set foot on future land.

America Named after Amerigo Vespucci - an Italian sailor/explorer.
Europeans killed 90% by disease in the name of progress.
1576 Sir Humphrey first used the term NW Passage to describe a sea routh around North America as he continued to search for a route to China
1612 - John Rolfe brought tobacco
1619 - Women, self-government, slaves in Jamestown.

Land owning white males composed a council of law with a governor at its head.
Lured byu prospect of land 6000 came over in 1624. 

Starting of Slave Trade: Portugal had 10 black slaves, 50 years before Columbus.
Spain became a major trader.
20 Africans brought over to Jamestown by Dutch slaver ship.
1630: John Winthrope Founded Massachusetts.
1 year after Burgesses first met, the pilgrims founded the second permanent English settlement.
Ghristopher Jones captain of Mayflower did not folllow the correct path, followed a more Westernly route.
Perotestant Reformation in England meant turbulent religious times.
Some English were catholic, others were not.
Puritans through Church of England was too close to Rome so they separeated.

Pilgrim really land at plymouth rock.
Brief exploration of Cape Cod then continued on.
Found a broad round harbor they recognized from John Smith's maps.
December 16 the Mayflower passengers reached their new home.
No Mention of Plymouth Rock in any historical account.
At least 100 years later the rock was carved.
Who started NY: Dutch founded New Netherland in the Hudson Valley. Hudson himself was in explorer in 1609 who staked claims was looking for NW Pssage.

French Reached America: Temporary settlements in New Foundland 

Blog Questions:
1. Trade route to India for spices.
2. Because it would be a huge boost in the economy and create a respectable amount of wealth.
3.  It caused turmoil towards traders in the Holy land which caused many traders and explorers to venture west to avoid Jerusalem and Israel and do trade with China/Japan in order to escape taxation and ridicule when journeying towards the Oriental territories.
4. It saved Jamestown/Virginia colonies, because they sold the crops to England and it really boosted the economy and increased the settlement size, by bringing more Europeans that come over to work, as well as African slaves. It also acts as currency for a short time in the earl colonies. Women are bought in pounds of tobacco in 1619. People realize that they can get free land and make money of of this wonder-crop.
5. The Mayflower Compact, the House of Burgesses, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
They need to set up self-government because they really don't want to be controlled by the King royalty. Sending messages over the sea thousands of miles was a really inefficient way to rule people. There was too much of a delay, so laws and order needed to be in place for people to stick together in a structured manner so that they can work together and make their colony prosperous.
6. Some colonies, particularly Pennsylvania were founded on the idea of freedom of religion and tolerance of all faiths. These places were sought after as a refuge by many people, especially those who were prosecuted in England.

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