Thursday 29 March 2012

Review Chapter 23 in Zeh Textbook

1) What ideas or ideologies lead to World War I beginning?
Nationalism, Serbian search for recognition/independence, 

2) Outline the specific events in 1914 that led to a World War.
Serbians wanted nationalistic recognition. Franz Ferdinand assassinated. Many people with alliances lashed out against Serbians. Serbian allies retaliated as well. Mass fighting and alliance-ing ensued. WWI (The Great War) hath begun...

3) What advancements in technology help create massive causalities?
Poison Gas, Tanks, Flamethrowers! (OH MY!) !#!@#!##@!R$@#!!@#

4) How did the forming of alliances increase the likelihood of war?
Pretty much obligated certain countries to enter war if someone they were associated with got attacked. The many alliances were building up to the point where had one country been attacked, the whole world would have to choose a side to stick with the terms they had agreed with 

5) List the Allies and the Central Powers during the war.
Allies: Portugal, France, Italy, Britain, Ireland, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Greece, Romania, Russia, United States of America.
Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman Empire.
Neutral Nubs: America (For a lil' bit), Spain, Persia, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, and Luxembourg

6) Explain how world in Europe brought an economic boom for the United States.
The United Kingdom was struggling for supplies, materials, and just money in general. They were looking at America while it remained neutral for financial aid as well as a source of weapons and supplies. However, this put America at a disadvantage because they had hoped to remain neutral, but they were helping an allied country which made the Germans a lil' angry.

7) Briefly discuss the importance of the following battles: Marne, Verdun, Somme, Gallipoli, Argonne Forest.
MARNE: The battle of the Marne was one of the first battles in WWI with the British and the French trying to stop the German advance towards the Marne. (Marne is a river by the way. :o ) The battle was fought September 5 and 12, 1914. Prevented Germany from invading Paris and boosted French morale. Made it evident that it was going to be a difficult war with no one side having a clear advantage over the other.
VERDUN: German offensive trench warfare move. Occurred in Northeastern France for more than 10 months. Longest/bloodiest battles of the war amounting to 750,000 deaths for both sides.
SOMME: While the battle of Verdun was commencing, Britain and France went to North France in July for an offensive. Again, high number of deaths/casualties, Allies only gained 7 miles of advancement.
GALLOPOLI: British and French effort to try to capture Istanbul in the Ottoman Empire territory. The battles help the Turkish War for Independence go underway as the aging Ottoman Empire was falling.

8) Who was the U.S. General in Command during the war?
General John Jay Pershing

9) Write three questions of your own based on information that you found interesting in these sections.
Why didn't the government let people eat? :(
Why did the Marines refuse black people? :(
Why did the Germans have to be so mean and keep blowing up ships? :(

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