Sunday 11 March 2012

History Questions

5. Implementation of the Standard gauge, air brakes, car couplers, refrigerated cars, and luxury cars for people to sleep in.

6. The Lightbulb! An automatic telegraph machine. The Phonograph. Motion picture projector. Telephone transmitter. Storage Battery.

7. The Telephone, Telegraph and the postal service, which helped people send letters from all around the country.

8. He made the automobiles run on gasoline. He also manufactured a ton of cars so that there was such a huge supply, driving the price way down.

9. Vertical integration is the joining of important companies who manufacture important resources vital to a large-scale corporation, into said corporation. It is most notable done by Andrew Carnegie as well as J.P. Morgan after purchasing Carnegie's steel plant and forming the United Steel Corporation.

10. In 1890 the government passed the Sherman Antitrust Act so that it could protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraint and monopoly. However, like many other bills/laws/amendments, people decided to be smartasses and atttempt to reinterpret the act because they weren't defined enough.

11. When unions take a position of power to settle deals with management for the benefit of the workers.

12. People were acting up, so the Haymarket Riot put the negative view of terrorism and chaos into the minds of the American people which disheartened them. (As you can imagine...)

13. Automatic Shoemaking machine. Improved lightbulbs. Electric Incubators. Electromagnetic brake system. Automatic circuit breaker.

14. Horizontal integration involved the merging of firms to build a corporation. Vertical integration involved merging companies that provided resources or equipment to help attain a certain purpose of the industry.

15. Because standing alone with a single voice isn't going to get the government/employers attention. Bonding together and forming a group (strength in numbers) is a better way to go about campaigning for something that is desired.

16. Railroad network --> Helped connect both coasts, increased resources flowing from west to east, east to west.

17. Railroad/Trains, Canals/Water travel.

18. The lumber industry due to the amount of how many Sawmills are marked on the map.

19. The South Bend iron/steel industry looks like it has tons of railroads and a notable shipping route coming out of it. It must have an important location. Ohio has two in the Northeastern part of the state, Pennsylvania has one, New York has one, and there's even one in Canada. :o

20. Central, Mountain, and Pacific zones.

21. Midnight, 12:00

22. Noon, 12:00

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