Friday 13 April 2012

Chapter 25 Assessment and Activities

2. What did the Bonus Army want the government to do?

They protested outside of the capital, and wanted the pensions they were promised for World War I sooner because the country was going through economic turmoil. They were denied their money, and MacArthur/Eisenhower came in to break up the Army and killed two war veterans. Big no no. >:o

3. What was the New Deal?

The New Deal was the collective name for the laws, acts, and programs that were past or set up during Roosevelt's first term as president. Among these were the Civillian Conservation Corps, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the National Recovery Administration, the Public Works Administration, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

4. How did the CCC benefit the unemployed as well as the nation?

It gave many young men the opportunity to have to an easy job, planting trees, establishing parks, and restoring run-down areas of cities, and benefitted the well-being of the areas in which the people were working.

5. In what region was the Dust Bowl centered?

In the Midwest: Oklahoma, Kansas, Parts of New Mexico, Nebraska, Eastern Colorado, North Texas, South Dakota, Southeast Montana, and Eastern Wyoming .

6. Summarize the advances made by African Americans and women during the Great Depression.

7. What was the purpose of the Social Security Act?

To generate some income for the old, retired folk, as well as the unemployed, and disabled.

8. Describe two laws passed during the Second New Deal that helped workers and unions.

~The Fair Labour Standards Act, which set a minimum wage and a limit to the amount of hours one could work within a week.
~Works Progress Administration, which created many jobs, as this administration employed men and women to build many government buildings within cities, like airports, hospitals, and schools. 

9. How did the trend of buying on credit in the 1920's affect banks during the Depression?

Because people were beginning to be careless with the amount of money they accredited and soon enough, the people were starting to credit money from bankers who were crediting money from seemingly nowhere, and it created one big huge mess that ended up causing the depression.

10. How did new technology help cause the Dust Bowl disaster?

Nutrients in the soil were lacking due to the plows, the farming of wrong crops in the region. The soil became loose and devoid of any substance keeping it grounded. High winds spurred, and of course massive dust storms plagued this area of the country, creating what was known as the Dust Bowl! :(

11. Re-create the diagram below and list two ways the federal government changed during Roosevelt's administration:

Changing role of government leads to --> People began to step up and oppose FDR's reign. Dictators such as Huey Long were rising up, yet Long was assassinated and therefore couldn't have a dramatic effect on the federal government.

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