Friday 27 January 2012

Homework Stuffs

11. What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?
 To prohibit slavery north of a certain latitude line, except in the proposed state of Missouri.
12. List the five parts of the Compromise of 1850?
 Slave trade abolished in the Washington D.C. area, California becomes a free state, Utah and New Mexico have restrictions on slavery cut, the fugitive slave law comes into play that hurts those working for the underground railroad and already free slaves, and a defined border between Texas and Mexico.
13. What was Stephen Douglas's solution to the slavery issue in the Kansas and Nebraska territories?
 To let new settlers decide on a majority whether or not slavery will be admitted to a new territory.
14. How did Abraham Lincoln become a national figure in politics?
He was tall, had a cool beard, and wore a pro top hat. More importantly, he gained fame with his debates with many men and his intellect was made apparent that he was going to be important in years to come in politics.
15. What was the Dred Scott decision? What did it mean for those opposed to slavery?
Considering slaves to be property, a supreme court Justice makes a decision that repeals almost all Compromise up to this point in history, which upset many people.
16. Why were there four parties and candidates in the presidential election of 1860?
There were heavy disagreements that split the Democrats up into selecting to candidates for presidential election. The republicans  
17. How did Lincoln plan to prevent secession?
Sends troops to Maryland so that the nation's capital didn't fall to the South.
18. Why was the balance of free and slave states in the Senate such an important issue?
Because when there was balance, there was no majority in the senate and no side felt left out or underprivileged. Government did not want an uproar of hate and feuds/war so they tried to settle the dispute whenever a new slave/free state entered the country. (Such as the Missouri Compromise.)

19. Why did Northerners protest Douglas's plan to repeal the Missouri Compromise?
20. List three ways pro- or antislavery groups changed the structure of political parties in the 1850's.
The Republican party was born out of the events during this era, the free-soil party was created out of the Republican party later on, and the Whigs were seeing a drop in numbers and eventually faded away into nothingness. 
21. How did the North's larger population give it an edge over the South in the 1860's election?
It had more votes to go around which led to larger representation in the election in the Northern part of the country. The democrats had two candidates as well which split the votes up more, whereas the Republicans only had one candidate, Abraham Lincoln, who got all of the Republican votes of the north, for some Southerners weren't allowed to vote for Lincoln.


~--~ Chapter 16 ~--~
5. During what years was the Civil War fought?
April, 1861 - April, 1865
6. What 3 advantages did the Confederate states have in the war?
The Confederate leaders were much stronger than those in the Union. 
7. Who were the presidents of the United States and of the Confederate States of America?
Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States and Jefferson Davis led the Confederate States for its entirety. 
8. What role did Clara Barton play in the Civil War?
She was a nurse/medic that is responsible for starting the American Red Cross.
9. Why did the union blockade Southern ports?
To cut them off financially so it'd be easier for the North to outproduce them to win the war with greater ease.
10. What was the outcome of the battle of Gettysburg?
The battle started with a large amount of Confederates that outnumbered the Union soliders, however the Union had come out victorious in this battle and this marked a turning point in the war due.
11. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
It ordered the Slaves in the Union fighting against the South were free and that the Confederate slaves would be free as well if they returned to the Union. More than 3,000,000 slaves were freed as Union soldiers advanced on Confederate lines and took action. This gave slaves an incentive to fight because if they fought they'd have a chance at their freedom.  
12. In what ways did African Americans contribute to the war efforts?
The tension between slave states, free states, balance/equality were big issues that built up to the start of the war. During the war however, Southern blacks weren't allowed to fight at first, yet the Union had many black volunteer soldiers that contributed to help the North compensate for the South's already huge number of men.
13. How did the Civil War hurt the South's economy?
The ports were blockaded which severely cut the South off from importing goods, and exporting their cash crops. the removal of slaves also hurt their livelihood and the cash crop and plantation work/production plummeted tremendously.
14. What terms of surrender did Grant offer to Lee?
The Confederates had to agree not to fight anymore and lay down their arms, but were free to go back to the South safely.
15. How did people of western Virginia respond to Virginia's secession from the Union?
They were super mad!@#!@#! Seriously, most were disappointed and it got to a point where the ones who disagreed with the secession, moved north to stay in the Union, away from their home state, just to stay away from the Confederacy. 
16. Why was controlling the Mississippi River vital to the North and to the South?
It was much like the Ohio River in the French Indian wars, it was a great barrier for whoever controlled it, and it was a source of many trade routes that would benefit the controller financially and led for easy transport for troops to different parts of the country as well.
17. Why do you think many leaders called for African Americans to be allowed to fight in the Civil War?
Because there were many African Americans to go around, and it would give both sides a boost in numbers. 
18. Why do you think General Lee was such an effective military leader?
He was professionally trained and had experience in previous wars which led to his decision making and leadership skills as well as fighting tactics.

1 comment:

  1. Airk - look at the following: Chapter 15 - question 19 (you left it blank).

    Chapter 16 - question 6 (not quite right), 11 (the proclamation free no slaves in the North).

