Friday 18 November 2011

Chapter 6 Questions - - - Trip Homework! D:

1. Write a short paragraph in which you define the following terms: NEUTRAL, MERCENARY, and RECRUIT.
In order to win this next battle, General Bilbo had to recruit--or enlist--many new soldiers. Unfortunately, there were no more young people willing to fight for Bilbo's cause. Bilbo needed to find some people who were neutral to his conquest, or didn't feel biased towards one side or the other. He took a trip to Australia to see if he could find any mercenaries there, soldiers who could be hired to help without their own opinions or attitudes conflict with whatever side they have been hired. With 5,000 Australian mercenaries, General Bilbo still lost the battle and was shot in the left foot three times. 

2. Compare the strengths of the British and the American military forces.
The British had a certain strength in numbers and supplies. They outnumbered the troops in many battles and after the Battle of Long Island, the Continental Army suffered a shortage of goods and items to keep their soldiers fed, clothed, and armed. However, the land was more familiar to the Americans and reinforcements/supplies were a long way away for the British. 

3. What problems did the Continental Congress face in raising an army to fight during the American Revolution?
The sheer lack of supplies that killed so many due to illness and weather-relating ailments. The soldiers weren't serving for long terms either, and there wasn't a big incentive to fight given the advantage the British had. At one point, African Americans had to be enlisted in order to make a firm military presence in the American land, but the South was very hesitant about giving guns to the blacks. 

4. Explain why African Americans were willing to enlist in the Continental Army.
Because they either, like the Americans, felt a strong Patriotic vision for the future of the country, they were in need of some money, because they were runaways, or because they were promised freedom if they fought.

5. Re-create the chart below and describe each battle, including its outcome, in the space provided.
Long Island - : This battle showed the Continental Army with less than 20,000 troops, putting them at an early disadvantage against the British who had many more supplies and soldiers than them. Because of this, the British had an easy victory, along with the capture of Nathan Hale, who was caught posing as a Dutch schoolteacher, spying on the Redcoats. He was later hung and delivered the classic line: "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
Trenton/Princeton - : This battle was a cheap-move, which had George Washington leading his troops towards a surprise ambush on the British soldiers housed in New Jersey. The general idea is that war is suppose to cease in the winter, or slow down, but no fighting should occur on Christmas Day. However, Washington chose to ambush on Dec. 25th, breaking all codes of honour, which led to an easy victory for the Americans, leading to the capture of over 900 Hessians. Before Britain had time to send reinforcements, Washington was already gone! :O

1. Write a short paragraph in which you define the terms: DESERT and INFLATION correctly. Use standard sentence structure and spelling in your paragraph.
Many of Mr. Ronald's students began to desert his class and were caught playing hookie outside of the schoolhouse. They were scared because he was teaching economics and told them that the amount of money 

2. Explain why the French did not publicly support the Americans until after the Battle of Saratoga.
Because they were unsure whether or not the Americans were able to pull out a victory. Once they started giving money secretly and the Americans won at Saratoga, the French began to publicly announce their alliance because they knew they were on the winning side at that point. 

3. How were the Loyalists treated by the Patriots during the war?
Obviously not very well. Their neighbours would shun them, beat them, throw things at them, arrested, sent to court, and even killed in some rare cases.

4. The Americans claimed to fight for liberty and freedom. How did these ideals make women and enslaved Africans question their positions in society?
The women felt that they had just as much access to fighting for liberty as men did. They wanted to be a part of the Revolution as well as get the same education as men. Of course this didn't really bode well for them as this was such a preposterous idea back in the time. The War also led to the Americans to begin questioning slavery, which gave Africans a more equal standpoint on fighting for liberty and freedom.

5. Re-create the diagram below and describe what happened when the Continental Congress tried to finance the war by printing money.

Printing money: -> Too much paper money being printed at one time.
                        -> Value of paper money plummeted due to the little amounts of silver/gold backing them up.
                        -> Paper money kept being used due to the lack of any other method of paying for war costs.

1. Write a short paragraph in which you use the following terms: BLOCKADE, PRIVATEER, and GUERRILLA WARFARE.
There were many merchants that were hired as privateers to empower the navy. However, it proved useless once the opposing forces put up the blockades, preventing any trade or travel outside the city lines. After long tribulations, it came down to guerrilla warfare, which consisted of them setting their boats on fire and disrupting the blockade allowing passage.

2. Explain why most Native Americans sided with the British in the conflict.
Because they believed that they posed much less of a threat to them than the Americans did.

3. How did the British navy use the location of the colonies to their advantage?
They set up a blockade outside the American cities so that no one could enter or leave.

4. Why was guerrilla warfare effective against the British?
Because it caught them off-guard. It made it easy for the Americans to fight with small groups that could easily evade British squadrons while still remaining effective in taking out numbers of redcoats.

5. Re-create the diagram below and describe the results of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse.

Battle at Guilford Courthouse -> Cornwallis abandons Carolina campaign.
                                             -> Huge hit to the British forces.
                                             -> Greene forced to retreat.

1. Use each of these terms in a sentence that will help explain its meaning: RATIFY and AMBUSH!!!
The jungle people ambushed the group of explorers, surrounding them and pointing spears towards their throats. Once they were captured and taken back to the village, the adventurers desperately tried to work out a peace treaty. Thankfully, the jungle leader ratified, or approved, or the treaty and sent the explorers on their way.

2. Describe how the French navy helped George Washington at Yorktown.
The large ships came in a supplied Washington with over 5000 troops. The second fleet came in and turned the tide of the battle after the British had trapped the first regiment. Washington made a complicated strategy that was successful because of the French naval forces coming in as backup.

3. What influence did the American Revolution have around the world?
It lead to the French Revolution in 1789 who wanted the same liberties and freedom that Americans were fighting for. Saint Dominigue had a similar revolt by the African slaves who took up arms against their French owners. 

4. What might have happened if the French fleet had not arrived at Yorktown?
The Americans would have had a larger disadvantage in numbers and the British could've escape by sea if the second fleet had not enclosed them in. 

5. Re-create the diagram below and describe the terms that the Americans agreed to in the Treaty of Paris.

Treaty of Paris:  -> Great Britain recognized America as an independent nation.
                         -> Americans got all land west of the Mississippi, and From Canada to Florida.
                         -> British troops left American land.
          ->Americans allowed to fish on Canadian waters.
          ->British merchants could collect American debts.
          ->Property taken from Loyalists had to be given back.