Friday 26 August 2011

The Questions... ><>

Section 1

1. The Virginia Company, which was a joint-stock company for a very long time, was about to die out. It was successful in the beginning, but the burgesses got really angry at one of their assembly meetings. Several of the member's began throwing their large, wooden chairs at one another. All this tension made them realize that they were starting off government poorly in the New World, so they decided to take out their aggression on the Virginia Company by killing them and taking possession of the charters they owned.

2. Because they had people investing in them, much like people invested in Christopher Columbus as we read in Zinn. These companies had a lot of profit to be had and the settlements they established instantly turned into gold harvesting, fur trading, and fish catching towns.

3. John Rolfe and his knowledge of growing tobacco.

4. So they could return gold and other intricate resources and valuables back to his kingdom to fulfill his own greed, but by also allowing them to claim new land and keep a small portion of the goods to provide an incentive for working for him over the seas.

Section 2.

1. Four Puritans dissented from their original band of brothers and fled off to go find a settlement in the desert to the West. They hoped to start a new church making them Separatists and traitors to the Mayflower Compact. One of the former Puritans stated, "I've little toleration for English ways, I hope they all get polio and give birth to horses. My new family and I will lead a new life as pilgrims of the west." After these statements were made, the four men were hunted down by the King's special mercenaries.

2. So they could escape oppression/persecution and find a place to practice their religion freely without being disturbed or slaughtered/burned/crucified/stoned/tarred-and-feathered.

3. It gave full religious freedom, and did not force people to worship in a certain way.

4. They were both big steps in the move towards American self-government and they both benefitted the well-being of the community/colony by pledging the loyalty of the people and detailed how the town would be organized.

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